- Changing Crypto Strategy name:
Change Crypto Strategy name: Login > My Strategy > Settings tab > Follow the on-screen instructions
- Changing displayed Strategist name:
Change Strategist name: Login > Settings > My Profile tab > Follow the on-screen instructions
- You can only edit your Strategy name and displayed Strategist name five times per year.
- When setting names please follow our Communication and Affiliate marketing mandatory guidelines.
Note: the ticker (which is also part of the direct URL to your Crypto Strategy - example: https://www.iconomi.com/asset/"ticker") cannot be changed. You can only change the strategy name.
Additional information: At this point, ticker/URL changes are technically not yet possible due to its complex role in Crypto Strategy creation, maintenance, and accessibility. We have an upgrade planned in our pipeline that would allow such changes, but at this point, we cannot give you the deadline estimate. Once the upgrade is ready, we will notify all our users.
- Changing Crypto Strategy fees:
Please check read our articles on Fees & Costs to learn how to change the Copying fee and (or) the Performance fee.
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