What is the difference between a private, public, and verified Crypto Strategy?
Strategies visibility switching - be in control (as a Strategist) of who can access your Strategy.
How to change Strategy visibility?
Go to:
Strategy visibility setting: Login > My Strategy > go to Settings tab > Strategy visibility tab > Follow the on-screen instructions
Strategists can switch between the visibility of their Crypto Strategy.
There are 3 different types of Strategies:
A. Private (default status)
B. Public
C. Verified public Strategy
A. Private Crypto Strategy (default status)
Everyone can create and manage their own Crypto Strategy at ICONOMI.
Main characteristics of a private Strategy:
- Not searchable - hidden: users cannot find it via on-site search not via list of Strategies
- Invite only: users can only copy this type of Strategy if they receive an email invitation from the Strategist
- Not visible: by default, users cannot access the Strategy's page via URL
- Optional - discoverable via URL: when this option is enabled (by Strategist) Strategist will be able to share the Strategy's page URL. Only users/copiers who have the URL will be able to see and copy the Strategy
- Not promoted: the Strategy is not exposed in "Hot Crypto Strategies" widget to users who are not copying or weren't invited to copy the Strategy
- The Strategists are in control of who can access and copy their strategy
A new Crypto Strategy is private by default. These private strategies are not visible in the catalog of ICONOMI products/discover page and by default are not accessible via URL.
Investors/users can get access and start copying a private Crypto Strategy by email invitations sent to them via the ICONOMI platform by Strategists or by having a Strategy's page URL if this option is enabled by the Strategist. After the investor/user accepts the invitation, the private Crypto Strategy becomes visible to them on their ICONOMI account products/discover page.
You can read more about how to create a Crypto Strategy.
B. Public Crypto Strategies
Main characteristics of a public Strategy
- Searchable - anyone can see it: users can find it via on-site search and via list of Strategies
- Visible: users can access the Strategy page also if they have a direct Strategy URL
- Promoted: the Strategy can be exposed in the "Hot Crypto Strategies" widget
- Open to copy: users can copy the Strategy from the Strategy page or via email invitation
Public Crypto Strategies appear in the catalog of ICONOMI Products/Discover page and are visible to all users/visitors of the page, and everyone can start copying these Crypto Strategies without Strategy visibility limitations. Also, the Strategist can invite potential copiers directly via email invitations or via URL.
A Private Crypto Strategy can go public under the below written ICONOMI rules and conditions.
Strategists who fit the requirements of going public with their Strategy will get notified via email about their eligibility. After that point, the Strategist can log in to the platform and decide whether to remain private or go public.
Criteria to go public
- must have at least €/£5000 ACS (assets copying strategy) in the last consecutive 28 days
After reaching €/£5000 ACS, the Strategist can check the countdown for when the Strategy will be eligible to go Public under the Strategy Settings tab > Strategy Visibility tab.
- During the process of switching a Strategy to Public visibility, the Strategist must set at least a Strategy Copying fee of 1%.
Note: once you go public, you can only switch to another Visibility Setting after another 28 days.
C. Verified Public Crypto Strategy - custom upgrade (Strategy verified by ICONOMI)
Main characteristics of a Verified Strategy:
- Searchable - anyone can see it: users can find it via on-site search and via the list of Strategies
- Visible: users can access the Strategy page if they have a direct Strategy URL
- Marked as Verified with a check mark.
- Promoted: the Strategy is exposed in the "Hot Crypto Strategies" widget and via the "Verified" filter
- Open to copy: users can copy the Strategy from the Strategy page or via email invitation
- Additional 5% from strategy fees payout (see detailed information in the article "How are rewards calculated (split of fees)")
Verified Crypto Strategies appear in ICONOMI's Products/Discover catalog and are visible to all users/visitors of the page, and everyone can start copying these Crypto Strategies without limitation (no invitations needed). In ICONOMI's Products/Discover catalog, this strategy is marked as Verified with a check mark.
Requirements to receive and keep Verified Strategy status:
- Above average Assets Copying the Strategy (ACS)
- Above average number of Copiers
- A minimum amount of the Strategist's own funds copying the Strategy
- Public Strategy status with a proven track record (see Section B above)
- Above-average performance in the past months compared to all Public Strategies
- Diligent monitoring of the Strategy (such as active rules, regular rebalances. etc.)
- Engagement with copiers and other users by posting regular updates via Posts (Settings > Posts tab); Note: the quality of posts is also checked, not only quantity; when posting please also follow Communication and Affiliate marketing mandatory guidelines
- Well-written Strategy description (Settings > Strategy profile tab): for example strategy type, focus, rebalancing strategy, ...; this description also forms metadata for sharing your strategy
- Avatar and banner
- Pass our due diligence process (so ICONOMI gets to know the Strategist better)
If you are interested in upgrading your Public Crypto Strategy to Verified, please send us your request.
- Before setting the visibility of your Strategy, you must first make the required first investment/seed your Strategy which can be as low as €/£100. After that, your Crypto Strategy will go from simulation mode to live mode.
- If you do not make the first investment/seed your Strategy within seven days after creation (if you leave your Strategy in simulation mode for seven days) it will be automatically deleted. You will be notified via email to take action to prevent Strategy deletion.
- If your Strategy is in live mode and later falls below €/£50 ACS (Assets Copying Strategy) it will be automatically deleted, liquidated, and credited to your Portfolio. You will be notified via email to take action to prevent Strategy deletion.
- Verified Strategies will be subject to periodical monitoring regarding the requirements laid out above. ICONOMI reserves the right to reassess the Verified Status of all Strategies.
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