Strategists can adjust/change the structure of their Crypto Strategy as often as they want as there is 0 fee charged for that. The only costs are trading fees.
What is "changing the Crypto Strategy structure" trading fee?
It is a fee that is paid by Crypto Strategy copiers when there are structure changes made in Crypto Strategies by the Strategist.
Trading fee for rebalancing (adjusting/changing) the Crypto Strategy structure
A fee of 0,37% per trade for cryptocurrency conversions is paid - for buying/selling underlying assets included in the Strategy's structure. Some asset pairs may require more than one conversion step/trade.
How does it work?
When a Strategist rebalances their Crypto Strategy, ICONOMI executes several orders on different exchanges, resulting in multiple fees.
What is included in the 0.37 % fee?
It includes all exchange fees (trading fees paid to the exchanges for Crypto Strategies’ trades executed on the exchanges through the ICONOMI platform), cost of liquidity, custody, wallet transfers, and transfers between chains.
Does this mean that a Crypto Strategy copier pays 0.37% when copying the strategy?
No. When a Strategist changes the structure of their strategy, the trading fees are charged only to the % of the change. For example:
if the Strategist changes 30% of the Strategy structure, the trading fees of 0.37% are charged only for that 30% of the structure changes. Simplified calculation: If there are 1000EUR copying the Crypto Strategy and Strategist changes 30% of the structure weight, the formula is: 1000EUR * 0.3 (weight change) * 0.0037 (rebalance fee) = 1.11EUR fee.
Is this trading fee competitive?
Yes. Our 0.37% trading fee is below the industry average (below average trading fees on the exchanges). It is lower due to our volumes and advanced market making trading algorithms. Also, there are almost no fees for transferring assets between exchanges due to us pooling assets from multiple Crypto Strategies.
Note: The rebalancing fee is not included in the Affiliate program rewards (split of fees) calculation.
Note: For more information, please read our articles on ICONOMI fees or visit Fees disclosure page.
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